The Day of Framework Updates


The new Ohanah called poetically 2.3.20 is available. It’s shipped with the latest JoomlaTools framework. We also updated our MobileApp to use jQuery Mobile 1.4. If this is just gibberish to you, let us explain…

Some of users of fantastic JoomlaTools extensions, like DocMan, had problems with Ohanah. The JoomlaTools framework, formerly known as Nooku and used by Ohanah, has changed, so we decided to follow the update to avoid conflicts.

Another nice thing is that Ohanah now supports big images. With one click in the Layout Composer, you will get full width images, just like in our demo.

Now a little bit about the MobileApp. We updated the framework to jQuery Mobile 1.4. For your visitors this means cleaner UI and smoother user experience. The new version is also a lot faster than before. We suggest that you first test the new MobileApp before you overwrite the old one. You can do that easily: just put it in a different folder. Old and new version can co-exist peacefully. If everything is working as expected, just replace the old one. If not, we are waiting for you in the MobileApp forum.

Another big change in the MobileApp is the limit option. Now you can limit the maximum number of events that will be sent to the MobileApp, by simply using the new option in Ohanah’s settings. This small update will help those of you with thousands of events to enhance MobileApp experience to your visitors.

Other minor fixes:

  • Some cosmetic toolbar issues are resolved
  • Pagination buttons are removed from the attendees list (pagination is not used there)
  • When filter is used in the single event view, results were always empty. That’s fixed now.
  • We removed editing of images from the front end as we realized it needs further improvements